Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Just sent my book to the printers...here's hoping everything turns out right the first time =/


and doesn't burn a huge hole in my pocket.


What do I dooooo!?

Edit:Hmmm...so I didn't save my jpgs for web. But you get the idea. Help a borther out!

I am not sure which way I should go. The black and white look is killer, but the color one seems more complete? but at the same time looks like a cheese comic book =/

Monday, May 4, 2009

Look Ma! I can colour!

I finally finished my illustrations. it was such a tedious process that at one point I felt like giving up and making a new book. I'm really happy that I stuck through with it because I LOVE the way they turned out. Some images now that I look at it I will need to adjust but otherwise they are GOLD! I took the advice with the illustrations and decided that because I was torn between vector and hand, I combined the two. I think the finished product is unique and fresh! Take a look below.

Background teasers included (all done, just need to colour.)

Seems like my next update will be the construction process and than the binding.

Look Ma! I can colour! pt 2

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Backgrounds and stuff

It's my luck that my computer decides to "die" temporarily/intermittently when one of the BIGGEST deadlines of my life is about to arrive. FML...

BUT! I plowed through a bunch of BGs and stuff this mornign while I yelled at my old Power Mac G5 until it turned on. I still have my gear shift, tachometer (if I have time...don't think I will but I LOVE this idea...maybe more than the gear shift :O), interior racing page and a few more cars to do. Thankfully I only need to clean up the vectors for the cars and I can pump out the rest in 2 hours.

SO! This is my progress so far and what it would look like when it is all said and done sans some action lines in the BG and colour (of course).

what it looks like as a s'more

So I sandwiched all my layers together. What do you think? I kinda digg teh wonkiness. It adds character to the illustrations instead of it being so static. Note*: My concept was a street racers memoire.

Wonky lines = jarred memories? =)

Saturday, May 2, 2009


So I've pretty much finshed my car illustrations. I did ALL of them in vector as a base and than I experimented (Bad I know...so late in the game too!) and came up with this effect. It's layered on top of each other. So it goes Vector < Hand outline < Hand shading < Action lines.

Manga is not easy to draw...these tutorials on the net kinda suck. Hahaha!

Check it out! FEED ME BACK PLEASE. =)

EDIT: Just remembered that these will be cut out. No more action lines. Just shading. Sweet.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

It's crunch time

Thanks for all your comments guys! Much appreciated!

This weekend is illustration weekend. I think I'm going to experiment a bit with a more raw vector illustration style that's close to my hand renderings. I'm also going to pick up some manga at chapters or my local comic book store (whichever is cheaper...thinking my LCB---OH ;) get it...L=local, C=comic B=Bookstore *crickets*) as reference. Hopefully they'll have some issues of Initial D or Wangan Racers.

Stay tuned for some crazy updates this weekend!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Question numero tres

I know I want to illustrate some if not all the components to my book, but I wanted some feedback in regards to illustration style. After seeing some of my hand renderings, do you think the hand or vector illustration style is more appropriate for my book? Maybe a combination of both?

Question numero dos

Do you think I should delete some of the story telling things like gear shifter spread for example and instead add more mountain racing spreads? If you have any more ideas it would be greatly appreciated!

Question numero uno

So lately I've been tossing up the idea of having a more "authentic" japanese feel and thought about having the book read backwards, like manga.

How do you feel about having my book read "backwards"? Do you think it adds to the book, subtracts or makes no difference?

Pop-Up Comp

This is my comp of the pop-up book. I'm in the process of writing my copy and beginning to illustrate the cars and backgrounds. I've come across some technical things that will change for my final but otherwise I think the book layouts are solid. I'm still juggling the idea of adding one or two more spreads to flush it out a bit more.

photos of the book so far...